Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
freesecs::secstwo::binary_deserializer_tData item deserialiser from SEMI E5 format Deserialises a (one) given data item from SEMI E5 to FREESECS representation from given binary data array (memory pool). Deserialization is done recursively for list data items
freesecs::secstwo::binary_serializer_tData item serialiser to SEMI E5 binary format Serialises a given data item to SEMI E5 from FREESECS representation. Serialization is done recursively for list data items
freesecs::secstwo::data_item_tSEMI E5 Data item base class
freesecs::secstwo::list_item_tImplementation for list data type Operator item["sub-item name"] returns the item by name or this if not found. Operator item[int index] returns the item by indexif it's withinthe bounds or this index is out of bounds
freesecs::secstwo::msg_impl_tMessage internal representation. This representation allows setting root data item with the message
freesecs::secstwo::msg_item_impl_t< _type >Implementation for all simple datatypes Implements data array handling. Operator item["sub-item name"] returns *this for simple types
freesecs::secstwo::msg_tSECSII message declaration
freesecs::secstwo::string_data_item_t< _type >String data item family implementation For JIS-8 and UNICODE data items, the contents is converted from WCHAR to UTF-8 on deverialization and back from UTF-8 to WCHAR on serialization. Internally, contents is operated in UTF-8 format. To make format conversion, libiconv is used. At least two encodings must it be installed with - UTF-8 and WCHAR
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< data_type_t >Type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_ascii_t >ASCII type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_binary_t >Binary type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_boolean_t >Boolean type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_double_t >DOUBLE type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_float_t >FLOAT type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_int16_t >INT16 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_int32_t >INT32 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_int64_t >INT64 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_int8_t >INT8 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_jis8_t >JIS-8 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_list_t >List type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_uint16_t >UINT16 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_uint32_t >UINT32 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_uint64_t >UINT64 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_uint8_t >UINT8 type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::type_selector< e_wchar_t >UNICODE type selector helper struct
freesecs::secstwo::var_list_item_tVariable list implementation. This class is to cover the cases where an isomorphic list may have variable number of elements. This class will be deserialized from XML by adding variable="true" attribute to the XML definition of the list
freesecs::secstwo::xml_deserializer_tDeserialiser from FREESECS-defined XML format into FREESECS data item or message internal format XML is parsed with the help of libxml2 library
freesecs::secstwo::xml_serializer_tSerialiser from FREESECS internal representation to FREESECS-defined XML format XML generation is done using libxml2 library

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